Collagen loss is the main culprit behind sagging skin, a decline in facial volume, and the appearance of wrinkles. This unfortunate phenomenon is something that we all have to contend with after a certain age. However, all is not lost! There are a number of treatment options available that forestall skin losing collagen. Here at our Indianapolis medspa, we proudly offer
JUVÉDERM® dermal fillers and CIT microneedling to help you reverse facial volume loss and other signs of aging. Schedule your consultation with our team at Starsiak Aesthetics today.

Why Does Collagen Loss Occur?
Collagen loss is a gradual process that seems to sneak up on us. Natural aging and environmental exposure are the main factors responsible for your skin losing collagen. This is unfortunate because collagen is crucial for keeping your skin looking radiant and young. It hydrates and lifts your skin, allowing it to stretch when you exercise your muscles and still snap back into place.
While there is no way to prevent this process from starting, there are means of stalling it or reversing the effects of age through appropriate treatment methods.
What Does Collagen Loss Lead to?
Facial volume loss due to a decline in collagen is characterized by a hollowness in the cheeks, thinner lips, and increasingly sagging skin.
While these issues do not present any health risks, many people do not appreciate how much older they begin to look due to the lack of this essential protein. The longer this protein loss continues, the older we look and feel. In order to stall the loss of collagen, taking preventative measures early is a great idea.
Anti-aging Treatment Options Available
At Starsiak Aesthetics, we offer a range of options to address your skin needs. Our Collagen Induction Therapy treatment is a natural system that improves skin radiance and bolsters collagen production through the use of plasma extracted from your own blood. This is a natural and safe method of restoring your skin’s glow. We also offer JUVÉDERM® dermal filler injections to add plump to your face. This option provides long-term benefits that last for months before requiring a follow-up. Neither of these treatments is surgical and neither requires extensive downtime.
FREE Consultations to Reverse Chin Dimpling in Indianapolis
The gradual loss of collagen can’t be fully prevented, but it can be stalled. If you’re interested in improving the look and feel of your skin without surgery, our Indianapolis team is ready to help. Schedule your FREE consultation today by calling (317) 410-9978 or filling out the form below.